I'm going to start this post off by saying, of course this is all in jest.... at least mostly. I know God knows what He's doing... but I feel like I need a mini vent.
I'm now 40 weeks 3 days into this pregnancy... yeah past my due date. Of course, this shouldn't be a shock to me. I always go past my due date. All my kids have been born around 41/42 weeks. Why should this one be any different right? But it doesn't seem to matter, in fact I'd say that with each baby I just get more impatient.
Now going past my due date is enough to get me annoyed but when you through on random hours of contractions that get me excited and then just fizzle out, I get mad. Which brings me to the point and title of this post: What Was He Thinking??? He being God of course. It seems logical to me that once labor starts it should stick around till the end. None of this, few hours of contractions here pause with nothing for days and then a few more hours of contractions there. Why get my hopes up?
And that is where I'm at. Had a few contractions last week then nothing for a whole week. Had some nice contractions last night...now nothing. Ok I'm crampy but that doesn't mean anything. Now I'm left wondering if I'll have to wait another week before more contractions or if this girl will get the show on the road and come before Thanksgiving weekend. I'd really rather not hit 41 weeks...mostly because then I have to do all the tests and then there's the talk of induction that comes at 42 weeks. I think that's what really bugs me about going late... knowing that I'll go so late that I'll have to go through all the tests and possibly the evil drug Pitocin.
I'm hoping that since I have my proper due date this time that I'll have this baby either right before or at 41 weeks...but who's to say. It's possible that I had my right due date with Ransom and he was 42 weeks...Everly was 41 weeks according to my right due date.... and Logan, well Logan didn't get to decide when he wanted to come but was forced to arrive at 41.5 weeks (if that was his right due date..) I've been saying that she'll probably come Thanksgiving weekend since the beginning and I really probably should have told MYSELF that better...because I'm not buying it. I want this baby born today.
So there's my mini vent. I'm sure nobody needed to read the rants of a past due mama but I needed to put it somewhere and I think poor Justin has heard enough of my complaining. Did I mention that going past due makes you an emotional mess? It does. No matter how many times you tell yourself that your due date is just a guess date and it's not likely to mean anything, if you pass that date you are sure to get upset and emotional. So yes, poor Justin has probably had enough.
At the very least, you got to hear from me so that there's not too much space in between my posts. I realize they've sort of slacked off lately and odds are good that they might be few and far between once this baby arrives. (or perhaps there will just be tons of photo filled posts...who knows)