Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Block Biter

Here's a little snippet of Verity, the block biter.

She started out by eating her block and laughing as I was doing some exercises so I decided to take a mini break from crunches to show you all what she likes to do while mommy is working out.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Trip to the Arboretum

We first went to the arboretum about 3 years ago when we first moved down to Seattle. All these buildings and traffic and yet there's this huge plot of grown with nothing but trees, plants, and ponds. It's a great place to wander and take pictures.

I'm always trying to talk the kids into going to the arboretum but for some reason they always refuse and request to go to the park instead. Apparently climbing trees and wandering trails isn't as fun as fighting kids for a turn on the swing.

I talked them into going yesterday. I think they were happy once we got there. Funny how they forget how much they actually like a place until they get back there.

Ransom found a bug when we got there. At first we assumed it was a caterpillar as it was all curled up and rather colorful. However, it soon uncurled and low and behold that thing was NOT a caterpillar. Turns out Ransom had picked up a millipede, a Harpaphe Haydeniana to be specific. Turns out these guys are poisonous but really only to birds, bugs, etc. They don't produce enough poison to be harmful to humans thankfully. Nonetheless, we quickly had Ransom return the millipede to the ground.

The arboretum is also a popular place to walk dogs. As many of you know, Everly is still on the fearful side of things when it comes to dogs...even the itty bitty, non-yippy type. However, Everly didn't see any dogs at the arboretum. Instead, she saw a cow (black and white spotted dog), a lion (a collie) and a kitty cat (not sure what type of dog the poor things was but apparently cute little fuzzy dogs with little or no tails, classify as cats in Everly's world). It was funny to walk down the trail and hear, "A cow!". 

There's also this lovely moss covered bridge that we've seen every time we take a certain exit on the freeway. I've always known that we must somehow access it from the arboretum but we had never found it, until today. Justin found it for us and I was finally able to have us all go over it. 

Our trip to the arboretum was quite the adventure. Ok so nothing too crazy happened but it was a nice break from "city life". I think I'll have to drag the kids back there more often. 


Friday, May 3, 2013

Getting Chatty in the Bath

Verity is getting to be quite the talker. I'm deathly afraid to admit it but I fear she will be my most talkative child yet. Poor introvert mama with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 ridiculously extroverted children. It's a good thing of course but it can drive this mama batty.

Verity's talking is currently cute however and not annoying...give her time, she'll get around to asking those "why?" questions soon enough!

Recently, I was giving her a bath and the second I put her in, she started blabbing. The girl talked for probably a good 3 minutes before I even decided to start washing her.

Here's just a bit of what she had to say.
