Height: 31 inches - 25%
Eating: Loves to eat. Still working on getting her up to full meal amounts but she's getting there. Loves pretty much everything... minus oatmeal.
Sleeping: Verity gives us good nights and bad. There are more 7 hour stretches but there's also nights were she gives 3-4 hour stretches.
Accomplishments: Verity has almost all her teeth now...maybe missing 2 canines. Can recognize and sing parts of Frozen songs as well as the theme song to Frasier (we've been watching Frasier.) Climbs the boys' bunk bed ladder and goes down the stairs (like a slide). Speaking of slides, she loves to go down those as well... she'll even do the swirl slides all by her self. She's daring this one!
Other Random Stuff: Verity is obsessed with water. She has no fear of it and will go straight into a splash pad or go swimming in a pool. Verity was a flower girl at my sister's wedding in May. Likes to exercise with me by doing squats.