Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 Year Itch? I Think Not!

Today I celebrated being married to the most wonderful man for 7 years. 7 years of course is that milestone that comes with the cliche the "7 year itch". Now I still have 364 more days so I suppose I could be jumping the gun a bit but I don't think we'll get that 7 year itch.

Justin and I are still a young couple. We were married when I was 20 and he was 22. However in our 7 years of marriage, I think we've accomplished quite a lot.

3, almost 4 kids

4 different homes

Becoming a SAHM

Going from an intern to youth pastor to pastor.

Moving to the city

Planting a church

Beginning homeschooling

I'm sure there are many more but those are definitely some of the big ones. Definitely some of the most stressful and yet we've gotten through it all.

I feel like despite being so young and despite being married for "just" 7 years (because let's face it, even though I might feel like that sounds like a long time, it's hardly much at all compared to many), I think we've had a rather "accelerated" marriage. In this day and age, it's rather odd for couples to get married young and then have kids right off the bat. Even if they do have kids quickly it's not too likely to find a couple that has more then 2 kids by the time they are married 7 years.

When it comes to that proverbial 7 year itch, I don't think we'll have one. If there is a 7 year itch, I have a feeling we probably passed it a long time ago. With all that we've accomplished and gone through, I think our marriage has stood the test of 7 years. It's not going anywhere.


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