You're bound to have one in every family. You know that one child that just seems to worry you at every doctor appointment. Or perhaps you have to go through that with every child, just at different times…
Logan was failure to thrive as a newborn and had a few other issues so he was my new baby medical worry.
Ransom has dealt with eczema for his whole life and thus I had those medical issues…not to mention the nut allergy.
Everly is my constant it seems. She's a teeny thing. Always has been small. We've had weight gain issues when we were figuring out her food sensitivities in the beginning. Now she's just a slow gainer…well not now! Now she's pack on the pounds like there's no tomorrow…however, her height is still a slow and steady gain.
Verity, well Verity currently has given me no issues…but give her time. I'm sure some medical worry will occur for her eventually.
Back to the point of this post…. It's Everly I'm focusing on this time. You see we took her in for her 2 1/2 year doctor appointment. I probably should have just waited till 3 years but she hasn't gone to the doctor since she turned 1 so I figured we might as well. Now this whole time, I've been weighing and measuring her at home. So I knew what to expect. I knew she was following her curve for weight on the WHO chart (although now that she's no longer 2 years old exactly, she's not really on the WHO chart) and I knew that she has gained in weight percentiles (a good thing for her as I think she's just playing catch up now).
So I was a little surprised when the doctor wanted to double check with another pediatrician about Everly's height. Go figure, I get a call back saying they want to do another measuring in a month. Overly cautious people… It's a good thing to be so cautious, I'm sure but it's annoying when they do not seem to listen to me. Yes, I know it looks like she's dropped in percentiles but that's only because this particular doctor only has Everly's records from her 6 month appointment (we were trying out other doctors) so naturally things are a total wreck. There's also my milk supply to consider. I think Everly is just now finally starting to grow at the proper speed so naturally it doesn't look like much if it's only just started…but whatever, they are the doctor and I'll appease them with another weight/height check. Thankfully, it's all free.
But the post title says, "I Am Grateful"? I haven't mentioned why I'm grateful. Well, I'm not grateful for all that hullaballoo. However, what I am grateful for is my mom. You see, my mom was a diligent mother and recorded all our heights, measurements, vaccines, etc. Now most mother's do that. At least for the firstborn kid gets all that (it's a fact of life that things get lost and you get too busy as you add more kids…which is why Everly and Verity might never get photo albums). However, not all mom's KEEP those records. Why would you need them you ask? It's just taking up space. Your child is now grown and records from when they were 2 just don't make a difference.
Well it does!
You see, when I got married, my mom gave me all my records. I mean ALL. I've got a huge folder stuffed with my medical records, school records, all that jazz. And you know what? I LOVE it. Having those records has kept me sane.
You see, I was tiny just like Everly. In fact, Everly has been the same weight and height as I was for almost every single measurement! So when the doctor gets worried that Everly is tiny, I can just go to those measurements and say (usually to myself) "See, Everly is fine. She's just going to be tiny like her mama."
Curious as to our measurements? Here's some of them.
Birth - Me: 20 inches, 7 lbs, 8 oz. Everly: 20 inches, 8 lbs, 9 oz (ok she wins on weight)
4 months - Me: 25 inches, 13 lbs. Everly: 25 inches, 12 lbs 8oz
6 months - Me: 26 inches, 14 lbs 7 oz. Everly: 26.25 inches, 14 lbs 6oz
From 10 months - 18 months things change but I attribute that to the fact that I was eating solids and cows milk at that time (crazy recommendations back in the day) and Everly didn't start all that until later.
2 years - Me: 33.5 inches, 23 lbs. Everly: 33 inches, 24.5 lbs
So am I worried? Not now. If the doctor tries to push growth hormones will I use them? Not likely! They tried to push my mom into it and I'm ever so grateful that she declined. I'm perfectly happy with my short stature and I'm sure Everly is just taking after me.
But you can bet that I will be keeping thorough details for all my kids and they will get them passed on to them as they get married and have kids of their own.