Saturday, June 29, 2013

Logan: 7 Years

Age: 7 years

Weight: 43 pounds

Height: 44 1/2 inches

Fun facts: Lost his first tooth. Finished 1st grade. Began taking piano lessons.

Interview with Logan

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Can it be candy? (preferably food) …hamburgers

Q: What's your favorite subject in school?
A: Math

Q: What is something you are good at?
A: Reading

Q: What's your favorite color?
A: Teal

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Scientist… because I like Journey to the Center of the Earth,
I'd like to be a scientist and discover stuff like that.

Q: What is your favorite book right now?
A: The Magic Tree House Series

Q: What are three words that describe you?
A:  Strong, skinny, and ticklish

Q: What snack do you like best?
A: Animal Crackers

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Treasure Planet

Q: What is one food that you do not like?
A:  Broccoli… cauliflower and carrots (I just need one) Ok, peas

Q: What is your favorite toy to play with?
A: Legos

Q: What is your favorite game to play?
A: Video games

Q: What makes you laugh the most?
A: Being tickled by Daddy

Q: What scares you the most?
A: I'm scared of bad dreams sometimes

Q: What do you want to do next year?
A: Go to Idaho


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Verity: 7 Months

Age: 7 months

Weight: 17 lbs, 8oz - 60% (roughly, at home measurements)

Height: 26 inches - 50% (not too sure this one is correct or more likely the nurse over measured at the 6 month appointment. )

Eating: Still just breast milk. We delay solids until 9 months to make sure her enzymes are in place so that we do not risk allergies, reactions, or gut issues.

Sleeping: Generally sleeps for 4-6 hrs at night followed by shorter spurts. Naps are starting to stretch out especially a few days ago when Verity decided to sleep about a total of 30 minutes each day. Oy.

Accomplishments: Verity got her 2 bottom teeth. Trying to pull herself up but generally topples over so it's a high risk task. So so close to crawling. Currently she can get up on her knees but doesn't know how to move forward. Usually she ends up doing "planks" or "downward dog". Verity is addicted to clapping her feet. Any time that she is on her back or in her car seat,  she will clap her feet. Can get from laying to sitting on her own.

Other Random Stuff: I don't think there's too much else to mention. Verity seems to be going blonde. I think she'll end up one of my blonder kids; like Logan. I've also been going through the old baby pictures of the other kids and I'm starting to think that Verity looks like Logan did when he was a baby; so who knows, maybe Logan will have someone who looks like him after all.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Am Grateful

You're bound to have one in every family. You know that one child that just seems to worry you at every doctor appointment. Or perhaps you have to go through that with every child, just at different times…

Logan was failure to thrive as a newborn and had a few other issues so he was my new baby medical worry.

Ransom has dealt with eczema for his whole life and thus I had those medical issues…not to mention the nut allergy.

Everly is my constant it seems. She's a teeny thing. Always has been small. We've had weight gain issues when we were figuring out her food sensitivities in the beginning. Now she's just a slow gainer…well not now! Now she's pack on the pounds like there's no tomorrow…however, her height is still a slow and steady gain.

Verity, well Verity currently has given me no issues…but give her time. I'm sure some medical worry will occur for her eventually.

Back to the point of this post…. It's Everly I'm focusing on this time. You see we took her in for her 2 1/2 year doctor appointment. I probably should have just waited till 3 years but she hasn't gone to the doctor since she turned 1 so I figured we might as well. Now this whole time, I've been weighing and measuring her at home. So I knew what to expect. I knew she was following her curve for weight on the WHO chart (although now that she's no longer 2 years old exactly, she's not really on the WHO chart) and I knew that she has gained in weight percentiles (a good thing for her as I think she's just playing catch up now).

So I was a little surprised when the doctor wanted to double check with another pediatrician about Everly's height. Go figure, I get a call back saying they want to do another measuring in a month. Overly cautious people… It's a good thing to be so cautious, I'm sure but it's annoying when they do not seem to listen to me. Yes, I know it looks like she's dropped in percentiles but that's only because this particular doctor only has Everly's records from her 6 month appointment (we were trying out other doctors) so naturally things are a total wreck. There's also my milk supply to consider. I think Everly is just now finally starting to grow at the proper speed so naturally it doesn't look like much if it's only just started…but whatever, they are the doctor and I'll appease them with another weight/height check. Thankfully, it's all free.

But the post title says, "I Am Grateful"? I haven't mentioned why I'm grateful. Well, I'm not grateful for all that hullaballoo. However, what I am grateful for is my mom. You see, my mom was a diligent mother and recorded all our heights, measurements, vaccines, etc. Now most mother's do that. At least for the firstborn kid gets all that (it's a fact of life that things get lost and you get too busy as you add more kids…which is why Everly and Verity might never get photo albums). However, not all mom's KEEP those records. Why would you need them you ask? It's just taking up space. Your child is now grown and records from when they were 2 just don't make a difference.

Well it does!

You see, when I got married, my mom gave me all my records. I mean ALL. I've got a huge folder stuffed with my medical records, school records, all that jazz. And you know what? I LOVE it. Having those records has kept me sane.

You see, I was tiny just like Everly. In fact, Everly has been the same weight and height as I was for almost every single measurement! So when the doctor gets worried that Everly is tiny, I can just go to those measurements and say (usually to myself) "See, Everly is fine. She's just going to be tiny like her mama."

Curious as to our measurements? Here's some of them.

Birth - Me: 20 inches, 7 lbs, 8 oz. Everly: 20 inches, 8 lbs, 9 oz (ok she wins on weight)
4 months - Me: 25 inches, 13 lbs. Everly: 25 inches, 12 lbs 8oz
6 months - Me: 26 inches, 14 lbs 7 oz. Everly: 26.25 inches, 14 lbs 6oz
From 10 months - 18 months things change but I attribute that to the fact that I was eating solids and cows milk at that time (crazy recommendations back in the day) and Everly didn't start all that until later.
2 years - Me: 33.5 inches, 23 lbs. Everly: 33 inches, 24.5 lbs

So am I worried? Not now. If the doctor tries to push growth hormones will I use them? Not likely! They tried to push my mom into it and I'm ever so grateful that she declined. I'm perfectly happy with my short stature and I'm sure Everly is just taking after me.

But you can bet that I will be keeping thorough details for all my kids and they will get them passed on to them as they get married and have kids of their own.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Tooth Tales

Friday, Logan burst into our bedroom shouting, "My tooth, my tooth!" Now we've been checking his mouth for the last year to see if his 6 year old molars have come in (they haven't still) so when he came in shouting, I thought he finally was getting his molars.


It was the other type of tooth milestone. Not a tooth coming in but a tooth falling out.

Now there are a few things that really make me cringe and they oddly all involve bones. I can't stand people popping their knuckles, I fear the day that someone breaks a bone (I had a hard time cracking a frog's skull in biology…sorry Fred the Frog), and teeth pulling.

Perhaps it's because I had way too many teeth professionally pulled as a kid but it probably has deeper roots than that as even as a little kid, I never pulled my teeth. I was a wiggler, a let my loose tooth hang there till it falls out on its own type of kid. Needless to say, I was dreading the day when my kids would begin loosing their teeth.

However, it had to happen and so Logan spent the last part of Friday and almost the whole of Saturday carefully wiggling his tooth. Apparently, he is a wiggler too…at least with this first tooth. He managed to eat his meals, slowly and carefully, avoiding that wiggly front tooth.

Then he ate a banana. Yeah, a banana. It didn't instantly pop the tooth out but it was enough to give it a really good push. There was a bit of blood so I gave Logan a towel so he wouldn't get messy. 2 minutes later that tooth was out. We had a few friends over along with our roommates so it was quite the event when that tooth came out. Logan is our first, so we pulled our our phones and started taking pictures (oh the modern days that we live in!)

And thus, my firstborn has begun the childhood process of loosing teeth. I oddly have a few emotions going through me right now.

I'm proud. I'm proud that my little boy has gotten so old now that he is loosing teeth. Where has the time gone? He'll be 7 in just a few weeks and I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital.

I'm so grossed out. It's better now that the tooth is gone but I know that with every wiggly tooth it will be like nails on a chalkboard for me. Shiver, cringe, yuck!

I'm saddened. Sad? Yes, sad. You see, Logan has inherited my small mouth. His bottom teeth were already a little on the small side and a smidgen crowded. Now that he's going to be getting his adult teeth, it's going to be a wreck. I'm sad that he will no longer have that perfect smile. Yes, it will still be great when he smiles but as a former kid who had crooked teeth, I'm sad for him. Braces are still a long way off before he'll get them and till then he's going to have to live with crooked teeth like I did.

All in all, it's been a fun little first loose tooth.

You should have seen his face light up when he found out that we would be giving him money for the teeth he looses. (Yes, WE will be giving him the money. Not the Tooth Fairy. Much like Santa Clause, we just don't do that. However, there are just like we still give our kids presents at Christmas we still want to let them have the fun of getting money for teeth). Now of course, we actually have to go get the cash! Who carries cash now? Good thing it's not the Tooth Fairy or she would be severely delayed in her transaction.

One tooth gone, way too many more to go.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Verity: 6 Months

Age: 6 months

Weight: 16 pounds, 11 ounces - 55%

Height: 26 inches - 44%

Eating:  Just breast milk. We delay solids until 9 months to make sure her enzymes are in place so that we do not risk allergies, reactions, or gut issues.

Sleeping: Generally sleeps for 4-6 hrs at night followed by shorter spurts.

Accomplishments: Sits on her own, sticks out her tongue (a lot), sort of scootches but it's mainly from her reaching for toys, desperately trying to crawl but is currently doing the dreaded backward crawl/slide instead.

Other Random Stuff: Can't believe my baby is already halfway to her first birthday! How has it been 6 months already? She's getting so big with her being able to sit and trying to crawl. Still no teeth. All my other kids got their teeth at 6 or maybe 7 months so Verity should be getting some soon. As always, Verity is still ridiculously happy and mellow.
