Monday, June 10, 2013

Tooth Tales

Friday, Logan burst into our bedroom shouting, "My tooth, my tooth!" Now we've been checking his mouth for the last year to see if his 6 year old molars have come in (they haven't still) so when he came in shouting, I thought he finally was getting his molars.


It was the other type of tooth milestone. Not a tooth coming in but a tooth falling out.

Now there are a few things that really make me cringe and they oddly all involve bones. I can't stand people popping their knuckles, I fear the day that someone breaks a bone (I had a hard time cracking a frog's skull in biology…sorry Fred the Frog), and teeth pulling.

Perhaps it's because I had way too many teeth professionally pulled as a kid but it probably has deeper roots than that as even as a little kid, I never pulled my teeth. I was a wiggler, a let my loose tooth hang there till it falls out on its own type of kid. Needless to say, I was dreading the day when my kids would begin loosing their teeth.

However, it had to happen and so Logan spent the last part of Friday and almost the whole of Saturday carefully wiggling his tooth. Apparently, he is a wiggler too…at least with this first tooth. He managed to eat his meals, slowly and carefully, avoiding that wiggly front tooth.

Then he ate a banana. Yeah, a banana. It didn't instantly pop the tooth out but it was enough to give it a really good push. There was a bit of blood so I gave Logan a towel so he wouldn't get messy. 2 minutes later that tooth was out. We had a few friends over along with our roommates so it was quite the event when that tooth came out. Logan is our first, so we pulled our our phones and started taking pictures (oh the modern days that we live in!)

And thus, my firstborn has begun the childhood process of loosing teeth. I oddly have a few emotions going through me right now.

I'm proud. I'm proud that my little boy has gotten so old now that he is loosing teeth. Where has the time gone? He'll be 7 in just a few weeks and I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital.

I'm so grossed out. It's better now that the tooth is gone but I know that with every wiggly tooth it will be like nails on a chalkboard for me. Shiver, cringe, yuck!

I'm saddened. Sad? Yes, sad. You see, Logan has inherited my small mouth. His bottom teeth were already a little on the small side and a smidgen crowded. Now that he's going to be getting his adult teeth, it's going to be a wreck. I'm sad that he will no longer have that perfect smile. Yes, it will still be great when he smiles but as a former kid who had crooked teeth, I'm sad for him. Braces are still a long way off before he'll get them and till then he's going to have to live with crooked teeth like I did.

All in all, it's been a fun little first loose tooth.

You should have seen his face light up when he found out that we would be giving him money for the teeth he looses. (Yes, WE will be giving him the money. Not the Tooth Fairy. Much like Santa Clause, we just don't do that. However, there are just like we still give our kids presents at Christmas we still want to let them have the fun of getting money for teeth). Now of course, we actually have to go get the cash! Who carries cash now? Good thing it's not the Tooth Fairy or she would be severely delayed in her transaction.

One tooth gone, way too many more to go.


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