Age: 8 months
Weight: 18 lbs (roughly, it's probably closer to 18 1/2)
Height: 26 inches (yeah, I give up on this… Verity has gotten too mobile to get a good measurement)
Eating: Still just breast milk. Still nursing a lot. One more month and Verity will start solids.
Sleeping: This has been less than amazing lately. Verity had about 1 week of sleeping for only 1-2 hrs during the night and she had to be in bed with us. Finally realize it was just because she was ready to move into a bed of her own instead of the swing. Last night was the first night that Verity was in her pack n play (aka her own bed) and she slept a 5 hour followed by a 3 hour. Not amazing but I'll take it! Verity is also still swaddled; we swaddle for a long time.
Accomplishments: Lots of progress this last month, Verity crawls like crazy. She has a bit of the "zombie crawl" but she'll crawl normally if she wants to get somewhere fast. She can pull herself easily now and there's no stopping her. She's starting to learn how to get back down which is good because otherwise she just gets stuck standing up. More babbling, getting closer to actual "mama" and "dada" but not really associating anything yet. She's also started to "bounce" while sitting, sort of a dance move.
Other Random Stuff: Not much else to report. Verity is still quite happy and easy going. She seems to be taking after Logan a bit. It'll be interesting to see if she continues to look like him.