I don't know why but the last few weeks has been one crazy incident after another. When you are a parent, it seems there are moments when life is good, nobody is getting hurt, driving you crazy and your house is miraculously clean.
Then there are the other moments…the moments when it seems that EVERYTHING is going wrong. You're kids are constantly fighting with each other, always getting hurt, and your house is now a mess because you are dealing with the kids or just too exhausted.
I feel like we are in one of those moments. The kids being insane and always bugging each other, I can handle that… at least I have in the past so I assume I'll survive this time too. The house is actually clean but probably only because we've had people over so it HAS to be clean. However, there is something that needs to stop.
The near heart attacks… No I'm not in poor health but I seriously think my kids might be trying to drive me to it! Shall we recap what's happened lately?
After searching the whole house for Everly, I find her outside, out FRONT, out of the GATE, walking the side walk of our BUSIEST street! It's a miracle someone didn't just stop and grab her or that she didn't decide to go into the street or that I found her when she had only just started down the sidewalk!
Ransom comes up stairs to show me that he has a bloody hand. He's not screaming, he's not really even crying although the tears are welling up. You can tell this isn't a "I ran into something" type cut, it's more along the "I made a huge mistake, help me" accident. I had asked him to bring me the epi-pen that was still downstairs…well apparently he decided to try it out. Not smart. Thankfully he only managed to stick himself with the needle and didn't inject any of the medicine. Thankfully it was only his hand and not something crazy like his mouth or eye!
Verity has fallen off a chair and a bed. Both times landing on her head and I'm pretty sure if she wasn't a squishy, flexible baby her neck would have snapped. She's perfectly fine but it's not fun to see your baby fall on their head like that.
I'm sure Logan has had something happen to him… in any case he's been in fine form lately with his tantrums, boredom, and contrariness.
So I'm ready for a change. I've had too many accidents, too much blood, to many near panic attacks. Moms shouldn't have to deal with that. This mama is ready to clock out. When can I cash in on my sick days and vacation days? Oh wait…I'm a mom. I don't get those.