Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Curriculum for 2013-2014

Just in case you were curious about what the boys will be learning this year… here's our curriculum! I can't believe Logan will be in 2nd grade and Ransom will be in 1st! Logan's school is definitely going to be much harder this year. I've been getting all the lesson plans put together and wow! It's a lot more work for him compared to last year but he's totally excited!

Core Curriculum

We are using Sonlight as our “core” curriculum. Sonlight is an "open and shut" curriculum, meaning that I can essentially open the book and it has all the subjects planned out for me. We do not use all that Sonlight recommends however; I have a few subjects that we do differently and therefore, we do make a few changes. As my boys are only one grade apart, we are using the same core for both of them but with their own grade level books for the subjects that need it such as math and language arts. This year we are using Sonlight's Core C which is their second half of an Intro to World History, so we will travel through the fall of Rome all the way to modern history. For those curious, Core C is recommended for ages 7-9. Logan is 7 fits this recommendations fine but obviously Ransom, my 6 year old who is in 1st grade is a bit young however as he is using the core for the subjects that are not as technical; he does fine. This is why we still get him his own level of math and language art curricula.

1st Grade (Ransom)

Bible – Sonlight

History & Literature: Sonlight

Phonics/Reading/Writing: Progressive Phonics Advanced Books and a selection of emerging reader books.

Spelling: Selection of Grade 1 words based on Fry's word list 

2nd Grade (Logan)

Bible – Sonlight

History & Literature: Sonlight

Reading: Sonlight's 3rd Grade Readers

Grammar: Language Smarts C

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 2

Spelling: Selection of Grade 2 words based on Fry's word list

Those are our basic subjects. Other subjects such as art, health, P.E., and character building/manners I take more of an unschooling approach and just incorporate them into our lives as they fit in naturally.

We'll be starting in just a couple weeks! I can't believe summer has gone by so quick!


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