Mama's Log: Day 2
It's not been over 24 hours since Justin left. We all seem to be surviving.
Sleeping with Verity has been rough. Not that she's been hard to put to sleep… she just has decided that she wants to sleep in bed with me for pretty much the whole night. This means I sleep in odd positions.
Woke up, to the boys at 8am for their morning movie. Everly still asleep. She slept in till 9! This is rather unheard of. All that crying from the previous night must have worn her out.
Breakfast, school, all usual.
It's payday and thus we are scraping the cupboard bare right n
ow. We go grocery shopping when Justin comes back. Because of this, we made a random soup for lunch. Kids liked it. There were a few surviving biscuits (aka I didn't eat them all) so they got to have some of those with lunch.
Nap time went as to be expected. Nothing new there.
I decided to try on my wedding dress when the kids woke up. I'm weird like that. I like to pull it out every few years and play dress up…I guess. Hey, the thing cost enough money and I only wore it once! Might as well have some fun every now and then. Kids thought the whole things was fun. Logan kept telling me that maybe Everly could wear it when she got married. Yeah…we'll see. I'm all for it but I know how that all goes. My dress is basic enough it might age ok but who knows what
wedding dresses will be like 20 years from now!
Everly decided she needed to try my wedding dress on too… it made her very happy.
By this point, I was done. The kids were themselves, aka yelling, fighting, just loud (I don't do loud. I'm an introverted mother and loud doesn't do well with my stress levels)
And it was raining. I'm happy Fall is around the corner but not when I'm stuck inside with the kids and no husband to relieve me.
So to the store to get ice cream we went. In case, you some how didn't know… ice cream is my crutch, my way of relaxing… if I drank alcohol I'd be doomed I'm sure. And thus one more reason why I won't even try alcohol. We spend enough money on ice cream, thank you very much.
Taking four kids to the grocery store by myself. I've done it before but it's never a relaxing trip that's for sure. Add to it, that we went to our store near by (aka I don't like the cities stores…I prefer the ones 15 minutes north of us, where we used to live and still do our once-a-month shopping) and it was tiring. But we got my ice cream, along with some needed milk (we go through SO much!) and a few other things.
Got home, had to park at the bottom of the hill. It's a decent hill and with four kids, one of which I have to hold, and groceries…I wasn't looking forward to it. But that's what I get for not wanting to squeeze into the parking spots that I'm sure are adequate but my parallel parking skills are sorely lacking. I made Logan carry the milk.
Dinner was just reheating some pumpkin waffles that I'd been saving for this night. Yay for no cooking!
The Muppets Movie for after dinner wind-down time. Logan wasn't thrilled that he lost the vote. 2-1…what can you do?
Put the kids to bed. No major break downs tonight.
Oh and I forgot to mention, Verity decided to be napless all day. With the exception of maybe 30 minutes while nursing. So by the time 7pm rolled around she was dead tired. She slept from 7 - 10:30 which was nice. Put her down again after she woke up and she stayed asleep….
Until I decided to go to bed. Then she realized she didn't want to sleep on her own. Lovely. Oh and there was a mosquito that I heard, saw, and then couldn't find so I couldn't kill.
Life of a single mom…it's not for me.
Tomorrow should be better but we'll see.