Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mama's Log: Day 3

Mama's Log: Day 3

Morning routine went the same as always: morning movie, breakfast, school.

We finished a school book, Red Sails to Capri in which they discover a blue cove that sounded pretty amazing…Logan said he wished it was real. Few clicks on the internet and voila! It's real. The Blue Grotto in Capri and yes, it does look pretty cool. Now of course, Logan wants to go to Capri. I have a feeling he'll be wanting to go to a lot of places this school year.

Grandma (Justin's Mom) sent the kids a care package because she knew we'd all be going crazy. New activities books, tracing paper, pencils. So the kids did that while I made lunch.

Lunch today was Pumpkin Feta Pasta. What can I say, it's easy and we're
ready for Fall.

Finally wasn't raining so the kids got to play in the pool after lunch. Here's Verity in all her chunky glory. Might be hard to make out but she's twisting her tongue. All the kids can do this and they get their weird tongue talent from Justin. I cannot twist my tongue like that, it's totally strange.

Nap time. Same as usual. Boys were actually good because they knew they wouldn't get their surprise snack if they weren't.

Kids woke up, we got ready and I brought up the double stroller from down in the basement. Yeah, it's heavy. Got all the girls in the stroller and off we went on our walk. Now it's hilly where we live and even just walking some of those hills is a work out. Pushing a heavy double stroller with about 40 lbs of kids is insane. I don't think I'll ever do that again. However, I wanted to walk so walk we did. First stop was the grocery store to get some more needed items before our big grocery shopping trip when Justin gets home. Then it was off to 7 Eleven.

Ah, Slurpeeland as my dad deemed it when I was a kid. A cheap, although completely unhealthy snack. Logan learned that he loves the Pina Colada flavor and I learned that even with a straw, Everly will end up with a cherry mouth.

That whole trip took us a bit over an hour.

Then it was home to Skype Grandma. The kids think Skype is some sort of be crazy talent show I think. Everly ranged from extremely happy to major melt down. Probably part slurpee sugar rush and part whatever she's been dealing with lately.

Dinner, bath (yes I insanely bathed all 4 kids…but they needed it), and bed.

Once again Verity hung out with me most of the night. Here's what she did while I watched chick flicks. Apparently she wasn't interested in the movies. (she's laying in my lap, hence why she looks upside down)

Daddy comes home tomorrow afternoon.


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