Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crunchy Living Class

I meant to write about this earlier but it just hasn't happened. I've been busy with the kids, working in the nursery again, and I've really become active with Green Moms Network which is a group of green bloggers. It's how my blog has grown so much and I'm starting to help a lot with it…in fact I now have a weekly post for the GMN blog that pays…ok only $5/post but still!

Anyway back to the point of this post. Justin and I have talked about me teaching a "crunchy class" for awhile now. I've never really thought that anyone would want to attend and I'm not a huge fan of public speaking so I've put it off.

However, people said they were interested. So I did it. I had my first Crunchy Living Class a few weeks ago!

I'm planning on having one a month with each month being a different theme. This month was Natural Remedies so we made Elderberry Syrup and VapoRub.

Like I said, I had a lot of interest but apparently I picked a Saturday that everyone was busy on. In the end, I only had two people show up but it was probably for the best. As I mentioned, I don't like public speaking so it was nice to have more of a "just friends" atmosphere.

The class went well. It was easier than I thought it would be and it was fun hanging out with the ladies who showed up. I ended up with a lot of extra Elderberry Syrup (had to make a big batch ahead of time in case more people showed up) so I decided to sell it to some friends who couldn't make it.

I need to get planning next months class. It's supposed to be Natural Beauty themed and so I'm planning on doing deodorant, a scrub, and maybe something else…toothpaste maybe? I'm not sure (which is why I'm dragging my feet). I've also got to price everything which is never any fun.

So that's a little update about what I've been up to. Hopefully my next class will be a bit larger.


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