Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Verity: 11 months

Age: 11 months

Weight: Roughly around 20.5 pounds according to the home scale.

Height: Once again no idea. I'm sure she's still holding her about 50% though.

Eating: We try solids but that gag reflex is going to be around for awhile it seems. She's enjoys most of the foods we offer her, she just doesn't like more than a lick at a time. It's going to be a long time before she's actually eating, I fear.

Sleeping: Sleeping right now is a mess. I was drinking way too much peppermint tea (at least 4 cups a day) and that much peppermint can decrease milk supply. So suddenly Verity wasn't getting too much milk and thus waking up more often. I'm taking fenugreek to bring my supply back up and that seems to be ok now…but now Verity has croup and so we've been up every 1-2 hours again.

Accomplishments: I don't think Verity has added any new accomplishments since last month. Odds are she probably has but nothing is standing out to me right now. Still doesn't want to walk unless holding our hands.

Other Random Stuff: Verity went to her first Pumpkin Patch and seemed to love pumpkins. She also LOVES leaves. We took a few fall photos the other day and so she was sitting in a pile of leaves; she was mesmerized.


Friday, October 18, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch

If you know our family, then you know we don't celebrate Halloween. That said, we still like pumpkins and so on Monday (which I didn't realize was Columbus Day… which meant more people at the farm) we went to "The Farm".

"The Farm" is probably one of the top pumpkin patch spots in our area. Tons of stuff for the kids to do (not that we do them all), a corn maze in the shape our our state (complete with interstates and landmarks), and of course a pumpkin patch.

It's quite a drive to get there. Now that we live in the city it actually takes us 45 minutes to get there. This was the first time, I had to explain to the kids why it took us so long to get from the pumpkin patch to a fast food place for lunch; because you need lots of land for pumpkins and farms. My kids have lived in the city for almost 3 years now and apparently it's getting to them.

The kids loved the pumpkin patch. Logan instantly picked up a pumpkin and got covered in dried mud. Everly started the trip by asking if the pumpkins were going to talk and eat her. Apparently she's gotten jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins confused. Verity thought the pumpkins were great and even tried to eat one…yummy….

But I'll do less talking about just let you see for yourself.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Verity: 10 Months

Age: 10 months

Weight: No idea…probably around 19.5 lbs (I've delayed too long for this post so I'm going to just post without the official stats)

Height: Once again no idea. I'm sure she's still holding her about 50% though.

Eating: Still pretty much just breastmilk. We are still trying solid foods but Verity still has quite the gag reflex. That said, she does seem to have a favorite food so far: pumpkin! Lucky for her, I'm stocked up on pumpkin so she gets that often, usually mixed with homemade chicken broth.

 We are slowly coming out of Verity's waking every 2 hour phase (thank goodness!) Now I'll get 3-4 hours. Hopefully things will keep progressing and we'll be sleeping through the night once again.

Accomplishments: Can get to standing position from the floor by herself. Official chair pusher; she loves pushing our chairs across the room. Likes clicking her tongue and blowing big bubbles. Current words seem to be Mama, Emmm-ma (our roommate and since Emma is close to Mama it's a natural choice), Dada on the very rare occasion (she seems to be focusing on "m's" right now). And her first real word is Uh Oh. It's more of a sound as she's not really saying it but I'll take it. She also has no real idea of what Uh Oh means but it's still completely cute to get her to say it! And she's starting to say Hi (although once again, there's no real connection to it yet)

Other Random Stuff: We were watching The Aristocats the other day and Verity starting swinging her arms and dancing when she heard the "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat" song. Now whenever any of us sing that song she'll start swinging her arms.
