Friday, October 18, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch

If you know our family, then you know we don't celebrate Halloween. That said, we still like pumpkins and so on Monday (which I didn't realize was Columbus Day… which meant more people at the farm) we went to "The Farm".

"The Farm" is probably one of the top pumpkin patch spots in our area. Tons of stuff for the kids to do (not that we do them all), a corn maze in the shape our our state (complete with interstates and landmarks), and of course a pumpkin patch.

It's quite a drive to get there. Now that we live in the city it actually takes us 45 minutes to get there. This was the first time, I had to explain to the kids why it took us so long to get from the pumpkin patch to a fast food place for lunch; because you need lots of land for pumpkins and farms. My kids have lived in the city for almost 3 years now and apparently it's getting to them.

The kids loved the pumpkin patch. Logan instantly picked up a pumpkin and got covered in dried mud. Everly started the trip by asking if the pumpkins were going to talk and eat her. Apparently she's gotten jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins confused. Verity thought the pumpkins were great and even tried to eat one…yummy….

But I'll do less talking about just let you see for yourself.


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