Age: 1 year!
Weight: 19lbs 14oz - 50%
Height: 28 1/2 inches - 30% (It appears like Verity dropped from 50% to 30% but honestly I think we finally just got a proper measurement...normally the nurse measures too big)
Eating: We are slowly getting Verity to eat solids now. She still doesn't eat a ton and it must be smooth purees but she'll eat a bit now. As long as it's smooth, she won't gag. Still drinking lots of breastmilk too.
Sleeping: Sleeping is whatever... She probably wakes every 3-4 hours. I don't know. I've kind of just learned to go with it and not think about how she "should" be sleeping through the night.
Accomplishments: Verity has taken a step here and there. She's still not interested in the idea though. She much prefers just dropping down and crawling to you instead. I'm going to say her first step was at about 12 months but I'm guessing it will be another month before she's really walking. (which is how Everly did things too) Lots of talking but still pretty much the same stuff: mama, emma (which I'm starting to think might be anyone she loves and not just she says it for Justin too... she refuses to say dada for some reason), hi, bye-bye, uh-oh, "mah" for more. Verity now has 6 teeth; 4 on top, 2 on bottom.
Other Random Stuff: Nothing interesting to put here. Verity had croup shortly after she turned 11 months. It was bad enough that we took her to urgent care although in hindsight I'm not sure that we really needed to (considering her oxygen levels were pretty much perfect) but it did get her done with croup faster. She's found her voice (not that she was quite before) and likes to shriek when she deems necessary. Still has quite the tongue fascination (as you can see for the picture). Her hair is starting to get longer and is still pretty blonde. There are some days when we wonder if she's going to be closer to a strawberry blonde but only time will tell.