Age: 3 years
Weight: 26 1/2 lbs - 9% (This girl will always be tiny)
Height: 36 inches - 28% (She's growing height a lot lately and slowly moving up in percentiles)
Fun facts: Now sleeps in a big girl bed, loves her little sister, has adopted certain ladies at church to sit with during worship.
Interview with Everly
Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Chinese and here's a quote from earlier today, "I want tortillas and bread and chips"
Q: What is something you are good at?
A: ummm learning.
Q: What's your favorite color?
A: Blue
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I don't know... I can't think when people are sweaty.
Q: What is your favorite book right now?
A: Fairy books
Q: What are three words that describe you?
A: Happy, girly, talkative (words supplied by mommy as Everly didn't understand the question)
Q: What snack do you like best?
A: Cookies
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Totoro
Q: What is one food that you do not like?
A: Onions
Q: What is your favorite toy to play with?
A: My kitchen
Q: What is your favorite game to play?
A: Candyland
Q: What makes you laugh the most?
A: Verity laughing at me
Q: What scares you the most?
A: Nothing. (nothing scares you?) Just a monster.
Q: What do you want to do next year?
A: Go to Red Robin
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