Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I recently shared that some of my friends forgo New Year's Resolutions and instead they choose one word to focus on (or try to be) for the new year. In the past, I've not had much luck figuring out a word for the year but this time a word has come to me.


Now the way I see it, the word, change will have many meanings for me.

Change - We'll be moving to a new house in just a couple of weeks and that should be a great change (yay, no more mold issues!) but it's a somewhat sudden and extreme change.

Change - With the move, means we will not be living with roommates. It's been 4 years since our family lived without roommates. There is a lot that I will look forward to (no more sharing a kitchen or laundry room!) but there will be a lot missing from our lives with the lack of roommates.

Change - Come late April/early May we will be adding baby #5 to the family. Babies always bring a bit of change to the family dynamic and I'm sure this baby will be no different but again, it will be a good change.

Change - Our church will officially be independent and on it's own. Not that we haven't really been acting independently for a while now but on paper we will have grown up. The church will also go through some changes in 2015 that will require more work (like adding a morning service) but yet again, it should be a good change.

Change - I have big goals for my blog this year not to mention it will be my blog's 5th anniversary! The first to roll out is a new blog design. The second is a year long series. After that year long series, I have a slight dream of turning the series into an ebook but I'll put that off for 2016... one year at a time.

Change - Tied to the blog but also just our natural way of living, I have hopes of every changing our lifestyle to a more natural one. I already have plans for a few natural remedies and skincare products but I'm sure we'll be adding to our food changes as well.

And then of course, there's the unknown changes. As life always is, I can't predict all the changes I'll face in 2015. Some will be good, some will be bad or at very least hard. One thing is for certain; there is a lot of change coming in 2015 and thus change is my one word for the new year.


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